The Best Soy Sauce Jammy Eggs

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The happiest color has got to be found hidden away in the center of perfect soy sauce jammy eggs. Perfectly sunny, bright, gooey, and smooth, these ramen eggs are the best edition to your Jazzed up Ramen. I used to hate soft boiled eggs. However… once those runny, custardy yolks hit the steaming broth of ramen, magic happens! You instantly get a rich, full-flavored broth thanks to those happy yolks! As a total convert to soft boiled eggs, I can’t recommend soy sauce jammy eggs enough! They are filling, simple, and have the perfect salty, umami flavor due to the soy sauce marinade.

So What’s the Secret to Soy Sauce Jammy Eggs?

The secret to the perfect jammy ramen egg is how and when you cook and chill it. First, start with boiling water. Once you have a nice rolling boil, add the eggs and cook for exactly 6 minutes. If you want a slightly firmer egg, 7 minutes is perfect!

Helpful tip: During the first minute, gently stir the eggs around so your yolks stay centered inside your egg. It makes them look absolutely picture perfect once they are sliced.

Don’t Skip the Ice Bath!

The ice bath is really important because your eggs continue cooking as they cool down. In order for you to have a beautiful jammy yolk, you need to cook the cute little eggs quickly. The eggs only need a few minutes in the ice bath until they are cooled down.

Ice Bath

What If I Don’t Have Ice!

No worries! A trick I learned when we only had a mini fridge with no freezer was to run the eggies constantly under cold water until they were chilled. It may not be exactly the same, but it does work!

The Star Ingredient Is…

Once again, the best kind of soy sauce to use is Aloha Soy Sauce! It’s got the perfect flavor for your jammy eggs. Slightly sweet, salty, and umami, Aloha soy sauce is quite possibly the best tasting soy sauce ever! If you use a different brand of soy sauce, it will definitely taste different and it won’t have the same balance between salty and sweet. If you want to get your hands on Aloha soy sauce, you can find it here on Amazon!

Simply Perfect

To make the perfect ramen egg you need….eggs. Oh! Also Aloha Soy Sauce, a tiny bit of ginger, a little brown sugar, and a ziploc bag. To marinate, the eggs need to be covered in soy sauce. I have found that you don’t need to use as much soy sauce if the peeled eggs are marinated in ziploc bags. You can also use a bowl, but you might need more soy sauce to keep them submerged.

Waste Not Want Not

If I am meal planning, I often choose to make a stir fry the next day. This allows me to use up the leftover jammy egg marinade. Don’t let any of that delicious soy sauce go to waste! 🙂

Jammy Eggs are the Best!

Jammy eggs will always be a welcome edition to ramen soup. However, you could also include them in salad, miso soup, grain bowls, or even in fried rice! Let your imagination run wild!

The Best Soy Sauce Jammy Eggs

How could you not love something so happy colored, silky smooth, and delectably simple. Soy Sauce Jammy Eggs are easy to make, but the simplicity is what makes them extra special. Soy sauce seeps into the egg white adding delicious salty sweet flavor.


  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup Aloha soy sauce
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • 1 tsp brown sugar


  • Prepare an ice bath for the eggs. Mix the soy sauce, ginger, and sugar in a quart sized ziploc bag. Set aside.
  • In a medium saucepan, bring 1 quart of water to a steady, rapid boil. Place eggs in a strainer and gently lower them all down at the same time. Set the timer for 6 minutes. During the first minute, stir the eggs gently around in the saucepan to ensure your yolks stay in the center of your eggs. Have the ice bath on standby so the jammy babies can cool down from the hot tub!
  • As soon as the timer goes off, remove the eggs to chill in the ice bath for about 5 minutes. Once the eggs are completely cold, remove the shells and gently place in the ziploc bag. Be careful! The eggs will not be firm. They will be slightly soft and jiggly.
  • Let the eggs marinate for about 5-10 minutes. Remove the eggs from the marinade and save the soy sauce mixture for a different tasty thing!
  • To serve, slice the eggs in half and use them as the best topping ever for soups, rice, grain bowls, or salad Enjoy!


This recipe easily doubles or reduces. Just add one egg per person! (or two if they really like eggs!)
For 6 eggs: 1/2 cup soy sauce. 1/2 tsp ginger, 2 tsp brown sugar

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1 Comment

  1. […] intentionally basic. I am making a simple ramen with baby bok choy, green onions and my delicious Soy Sauce Jammy Eggs. It’s easy, and delicious. However, feel free to add more toppings to your soup and get […]

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