Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS

Apple Pie In a Mug: Easier Than Pie!

Ever heard of the phrase “Easy as Pie?” I hate to break it to you, but while pie is my ultimate favorite dessert to bake and eat, pie isn’t always easy. There are lots of steps involved. The perfect flaky crust can be so elusive, and it’s quite time consuming. However, there is nothing better than the buttery, cinnamony goodness of an apple pie baking in the oven. All the cozy smells in the house are comforting and warm. So, if you are looking for a delicious mouthful of apple pie without any of the hassle, look no further! Apple pie in a mug really is easier than pie!

Okinawan Sweet Potato Sugar Buns: The Ultimate Cinnamon Rolls

There is nothing more cozy and delicious than super-sized, fluffy, swirly buns oozing with spiced sugar and topped with gobs of sweet cream cheese frosting. Warming scents of cinnamon, ginger, and a hint of cardamon blend beautifully with golden notes of brown sugar. This recipe can easily be made the day of or overnight for the best breakfast surprise! If you’ve ever had mashed potato cinnamon rolls, you know they are ultra soft and have an incredible texture. Okinawan purple sweet potatoes create a gorgeous pink color and beautifully shreddy, pillowy soft dough. If you don’t have purple sweet potato, this can easily be made with normal sweet potatoes! It’s pumpkin and sweet potato season after all! If you have some time and want to make something extra special this fall, make this and treat everyone to the best Okinawan sweet potato sugar buns. They really are the ultimate cinnamon rolls!

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